Saturday, August 25, 2012

My name is Sherry and I borrowed $1,600 from a person who was kind enough to help me pay my rent. Unfortunately I never paid him back and have lied to him for over 3 years. He was eevn nice enough to let me pay back in small increments, but I refuse to respond to his kind gesture and continue to be rude about this.
Sherry $1,600 owed

I even had the nerve to get mad at him. Like its his fault that I owe him money right. Dont you just hate when people let you borrow money and then ask for at least some of it back 3 years later? Well, hes found me again and Im still making excuses and refuse to pay the money I stole, I mean borrowed.

Dont let me borrow any money ever becasue I will just walk away like nothing ever happened and be mad at you for asking me to repay it.

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